Transform School Communications

See how Italy ISD used School Rush! App during a crisis

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Schools that love School Rush!


Singular solution for
School communications

School District Messaging

School, district staff can use the School Rush! school district app messaging features to send in-app messages, reminders, pictures, documents, SMS text messages and voice calls to all school, all district or targeted classroom parents.

Popular Features
  • District messaging
  • School messaging
  • Classroom messaging
  • Custom Lists messaging
  • Unsubscribe
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Student & Staff Directory

School Rush! school district App gives staff members secure, instant access to student parent contact information synced from the school district SIS. Parents have access to staff emails, office phone numbers and optionally to other parents.

Popular Features
  • District Directory
  • School Directory
  • Classroom Directory
  • Privacy
  • SIS Sync
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Absent Alerts

School Rush! school communications platform sends out automated absent alerts to parents. Absent message is personalized and can be customized.

Popular Features
  • Email/li>
  • SMS
  • Voice
  • Delivery status
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School Emergency Broadcasts

Use the School Rush! school communication app alerting features to instantly send out mass voice robocalls, sms text messages, emails and App push notifications.

Popular Features
  • SMS
  • Voice
  • Email
  • App
  • Delivery confirmation, Read reciept
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Integrated Calendars & Daily Planner

Sync school, district, classroom calendars to using School Rush! school mobile App. School Rush! school app provides instant, personalized view of current and upcoming events from school, district and classroom in a consolidated view.

Popular Features
  • Google Calendar Sync
  • iCal Sync
  • District, school and classroom calendars
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Google Drive, Google Calendar

Send parents documents from Google drive using the School Rush! school App google drive integration. Sync your classroom, district, school Google calendars (or any iCAl calendars) with the School Rush! school district app calendar.

Popular Features
  • Attachments from Google Drive
  • iOS, Android Files
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Syncs with Student Information Systems (SIS)

School Rush! school communications app automatically syncs class rosters, staff, student and parent contact information with your school district SIS VIA a service called

Popular Features
  • OneRoster
  • Custom SIS
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Parent Engagement Analytics

School Rush! school communications platform provides a parent engagement dashboard with analytics, metrics and charts that measure not only call and message data, but also district, school and classroom level parent and staff engagement activity.

Popular Features
  • Family Engagement
  • Staff Engagement
  • SMS Failures
  • Email Failures
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Customer testimonials

“As a growing school, we found ourselves struggling to find the right tool to communicate important information to our busy parents. Too many emails were leading to “email fatigue” resulting in unopened messages and actually decreasing effective communication. The School Rush! App is the perfect tool.”

Mrs. Kate O., Principal, Holy Family Catholic Academy

“Great App! This app is easy to use and great to access all your child’s school information. I love that you can call any classmate’s parent or e-mail the teacher with ease all on your smartphone!”

Traci, Parent

“Excellent features and improving daily. Very responsive support for problems and improvements. Easy interface on desktop or mobile devices. Well received by parents. Easy platform to communicate daily or emergency information.”

Mrs. Keenley, Prinicipal, St. Theresa School
Trusted by reputed organizations

Use technology as a catalyst for connecting parents and teachers .

School Rush! has been recognized as one of the most innovative School Community Communication.

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Why do schools prefer SchoolRush?

SchoolRush is a convenient, easy to use App that will transform the way schools and parents communicate.

SIS Sync

No more file updates, no rosters creations needed, follows student from teacher to teacher.

Teachers' Lounge

Offers a virtual Teachers’ LoungePush messages directly to faculty and administration.

Syncs with schools calendars

Syncs multiple calendars and integrate with personal ones as well.


Access to staff (and optionally parent) contact information in the App.

Like to see a demo?

SchoolRush, is not just another communication tool! SchoolRush offers an array of features that parents have called “conveniently fabulous”!!

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